In my classic Who
DVD reviews, “Remembrance of the Daleks” aside, I’ve been pretty hard on the Sylvester McCoy era, and his three-year stint as a whole remains the most uneven of
the classic series, but that doesn’t mean I won’t call good, or even great, if
and when I see it, and for every bitch I might have about this era, there's also something to praise. The McCoy years were marked by lofty ambitions and weak
follow-through, which I’ve discussed variations on several times over in these
reviews. These are criticisms I was
preparing myself to rework yet again for “Dragonfire,” the final story of the
disastrous Season 24…but as it turns out, “Dragonfire” isn’t such a disaster
after all. It’s far from a great Doctor Who story – it has too many
little problems to be called great – but it is a pretty good one provided you
can look past those problems.

The Doctor and Melanie
(Bonnie Langford) arrive on the planet Svartos, which is home to a trading colony
called Iceworld. In a soda shop that’s sort of the kid friendly version of the Star
Wars creature cantina, they encounter that old rascal Sabalom Glitz
(Tony Selby), who was last seen at the close of “The Trial of the Time Lord.”
He has a map that he claims leads to treasure buried somewhere in the depths of
Iceworld, only lurking down in those depths is a dragon guarding the treasure. In
the soda shop they also meet a young, headstrong waitress from Earth named Ace,
who improbably claims to have accidentally “whipped up a timestorm” which
brought her to this other world. As you might guess, Ace quickly becomes a
rather important figure in the proceedings. Meanwhile, a creepy, soulless icy figure named Kane (Edward Peel)
lurks on the periphery of the goings-on. He, too, wants the treasure called
Dragonfire, and he’s been waiting 3,000 years to get it.
WHAT!?!? |
Sure, the sets are overlit
(every frame of Season 24 was overlit – why change things for this story?).
Yes, the cliffhanger gag at the end of episode one is not just ghastly, but one
of the dumbest moments ever, in all of Doctor Who. True, the bulk of the Iceworld sets are never even remotely convincing, not for a second (though Kane's lair is effective enough). The less said about the
appearance of the “Dragon,” the better. And I will never in a million years
understand what they were going for with the C-subplot of that irritating little
girl and her mother, a strand which fails on every level, but especially at
being cute. Melanie. Yep, “Dragonfire” has its fair share of fuck-ups, and yet
they somehow never really overpower the stronger aspects of the story.
While it may appear to be
little more than a “let’s chase after the MacGuffin” tale, “Dragonfire” has a
nice twist at its climax that rather makes the whole search feel worthwhile,
and it’s a climax that influences and defines a character – maybe even several
characters, so whatever problems “Dragonfire” may have, one of them isn’t that
it “all falls apart at the end.” The events, frequently silly though they may
be, are carried by some pretty solid acting from most parties involved –these
actors behave as though they believe in the universe of the show, which is
imperative, because the décor and the look of the serial certainly isn’t
selling the goods.
Belazs and Kane |
Edward Peel is the most
striking, finding character in a script that was probably lighter on such
aspects than is readily apparent. His Kane is ruthless and hell bent on revenge,
yet emotionally damaged and even a romantic of sorts (how often does this
happen on classic Who?). His exit scene, visually ripped from Raiders
of the Lost Ark, also stands the special effects test of time. Patricia
Quinn (Magenta of The Rocky Horror Picture Show) makes a worthy contribution as
Belazs, the woman who sold her youth to Kane, and is still paying the price
today. Then there’s Tony Selby...jeez, Tony Selby. Fans often debate about
which classic series characters they’d like to see pop up on the new show. I
would love to see the return of Glitz/Selby
– perhaps now grizzled and jaded - through the prism of one of the new series

But surely the most
noteworthy performance here is that of Sophie Aldred. To say, at this point of
his inaugural season (i.e. its final story), that Sylvester McCoy had failed to
live up to the role of the Doctor is being kind. I’m
pretty sure even McCoy would admit that his first year on the job didn’t go so well. The syrupy sweet screamer Bonnie Langford wasn’t helping
matters. So when Aldred enters the picture, it feels as if the cloud of
phoniness may just be lifting. Now this isn’t to say she’s ideal in her
freshman outing, but it is to say that this young actress, who’d never even
been in front of a TV camera before, appears to be running circles around veterans McCoy
and Langford in the acting department. Some have it. Some don’t. Aldred did (and still does).

In all fairness to McCoy, he
isn’t a total clown here, and turns in a passable performance (he would fare much better in his subsequent two seasons). The infamous
“cliffhanger” scene aside, he does little to drag the story down, nor does he
do much to elevate it. Langford is as terrible as ever. But between the two the
improbable sort of happens in the final moments of “Dragonfire,” which features
a weirdly offbeat yet sweetly melancholic parting scene between the duo. It was
something of a last minute addition (written by script editor Andrew Cartmel), and Ian Briggs swears it doesn’t work, and
maybe it doesn’t entirely; yet the fact that something that doesn’t work still manages to be an acting highpoint of
the year says a great deal about the faults of Season 24.
Then there’s this priceless
exchange between the Doctor and some random guard who he’s attempting to
distract, which holds up wonderfully:
The Doctor: Excuse me.
What's your attitude towards the nature of existence? For example, do you hold
any strong theological opinions?
Guard: I think you'll find most educated people regard mythical convictions as
fundamentally animistic.
The Doctor: I see. That's a very interesting concept.
Guard: Personally, I find most experiences border on the existential.
The Doctor: Well, how do you reconcile that with the empirical critical belief
that experience is at the root of all phenomena?
Guard: I think you'll find that a concept can be philosophically valid even if
theologically meaningless.
The Doctor: So, what you're saying is that before Plato existed, someone had to
have the idea of Plato.
Guard: Oh, you've no idea what a relief it is for me to have such a stimulating
philosophical discussion. There are so few intellectuals about these days. Tell
me, what do you think of the assertion that the semiotic thickness of a
performed text varies according to the redundancy of auxiliary performance

DVD Extras: A lively audio
commentary here features actors Aldred and Peel, as well as Briggs, script
editor Andrew Cartmel, composer Dominic Glynn and director Chris Clough - who’s
an enormously pleasant man to listen to, by the way – all moderated by Mark
Ayres. “Fire and Ice” is a super making of, with some appropriate emphasis on
Ace and how the character came to be, as well as how Aldred came to be there.
“The Doctor’s Strange Love” is another entry in the ongoing series featuring Joe
Lidster, Simon Guerrier and Josie Long (who’s a true annoyance at this point) fanning
out over the story. “The Big Bang Theory” compares and contrasts classic Who 'splosions to new series Who 'splosions, with new series SFX
supervisor Danny Hargreaves. There’s also a series of deleted and extended scenes, a photo gallery, the production notes
subtitle option, an isolated score, Radio
Times listings in PDF form, and a coming soon trailer for “Death to the Daleks,” which is set for release in the U.S. in July.