“The one, the only…Spaced. Accept no substitute.” – Quentin Tarantino
“Spaced is utter brilliance…a series for, well, anyone who has ever lived.” – JJ Abrams
“…like watching a Kevin Smith film if Kevin Smith had any real talent.” – Kevin Smith
“I laughed hard and I hate comedy.” – Judd Apatow
“The first TV show to combine my love of Star Wars, Evil Dead, and funny Brits. If I had grown up in England this show would be the documentary of my life.” – Eli Roth
“…the sole reason I bought an all region DVD player. Now you have no excuse! Buy this and be officially cool.” – Bill Hader
“Annoyingly good.” – Eddie Izzard
Can Spaced possibly live up to all this hype? Find out by clicking here to read the rest of this DVD review at Bullz-Eye.