Any guy who’s ever spent any amount of time “appreciating” pornography has sooner or later found a particular actress who catches his lustful eye. What usually happens after that guy finds that girl is that he sets out to find more of her work, which is understandable, because that’s what we do with any artist we’ve come to appreciate. Whether or not pornographic actors should be considered artists is a debate for another place, but the devoted manner in which 17-year-old Tobe (Dustin Ingram) obsesses over fictitious ‘80s porn icon Monica Velour (Jamie Tisdale) leaves you feeling that she no doubt has that certain “something” that surely must have set her apart from her contemporaries.
All that being said, what most of us don’t do is try to seek out and meet our favorite porn star, but as you might guess from the title Meet Monica Velour, that’s exactly what Tobe does. But this is present day, and Monica is now 49 years old and a far cry from the nubile young vixen featured in Tobe’s VHS collection. She’s lost most of her looks and gained a fair amount of weight. She smokes, drinks and snorts. She lives in a trailer park in Pinhook, Indiana. She has a young daughter whom she’d desperately like to get custody of, and an obnoxious ex-husband (Sam McMurray) who’s hell bent on keeping that from ever happening. Despite all of this, Tobe remains smitten, and it’s easy to see why, because the 49-year-old Monica Velour (or rather Linda Romanoli, which is her real name) is played by Kim Cattrall.
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